Bukan hal yang mustahil bahasa Indonesia esok akan menjadi bahasa dunia, bahasa yang digunakan sebagai bahasa internasional. Dilihat dari struktur dan pembacaan bahasa Indonesia yang sangat sederhana, bahasa Indonesia merupakan bahasa yang tidak sulit untuk dipelajari. Suatu bukti yang meyakinkan bila esok bahasa Indonesia akan menjadi bahasa peradaban dunia, lebih dari 50 negara di dunia telah mempelajari dan menjadikan bahasa Indonesia sebagai satu diantara mata pelajaran di sekolah mereka. Di negeri Australia pun hampir semua sekolah diwajibkan untuk mengajarkan bahasa Indonesia. Kita sebagai pemilik bahasa Indonesia harus banggga karena bahasa kita dipelajari bangsa lain.
Dan menurut Matt Mullenweg (pemilik wordpress.com), “bahasa Inggris merupakan bahasa terbesar pertama di situs wordpress dan bahasa Indonesia menduduki urutan ke tiga setelah bahasa Spanyol”
Ini pernyataan Matt Mullenweg (empunya WordPress) yang mengatakan bahasa indonesia menjadi bahasa ke-3 di wordpress:
Indonesia Third Top WordPress User
Bahasa Indonesia is the third most used language by WordPress users.
VIVAnews – Indonesia is listed as the third world’s top user of blog provider WordPress. “WordPress users in Indonesia tops both German and French users,” said WordPress founder Matt Mullenweg during a press conference of 2009 Wordcamp Indonesia on Saturday, Jan 17.
According to Mullenweg, last year, around 117 million visits to WordPress were made from Indonesia.
Indonesians accessing WordPress.com reached 6.3 percent, above Germany (5.1 percent) and Brazil (4.7 percent). Indonesia is only behind the United States (24.7 percent) and India (7.1 percent).
Meanwhile, Bahasa Indonesia is the third most used language by WordPress users. According to Mullenweg, around 300,000 blogs use Bahasa Indonesia.
According to WordPress, WordPress users using Bahasa Indonesia reached five percent, while 66 percent are English-speaking WordPress users and eight percent Spanish-speaking.
Indonesia is the second fastest country when it comes to user development, outpacing Spain, Germany and France. “Around 143,000 new blogs are registered [in Indonesia] in the last six months,” said Mullenweg.
Given the facts, Mullenweg becomes curious about Indonesia. He was previously uninformed of the country. In fact, he did not even realize the exact location of Indonesia.
According to Mullenweg, freedom is the advantage that WordPress offers.
As for web developers, any users can freely develop the open-source application. Up until today, 3,800 plugins from WordPress communities are available.
Meanwhile, from users’ point of view, said Mullenweg, WordPress allows users to access the programs and distribute contents in WordPress for free.
A senior blogger Kuncoro Wastuwibowo said that due to its open-source basis, the development of additional plugins for WordPress can be more updated, which is why Wastuwibowo has been using WordPress for the past three years. Earlier, he signed in to a blog provider hosted by Google, Blogger.com.
However, Kuncoro said, WordPress can also be made use of as a blog engine for other sites.
Recently, Wastuwibowo has in fact applied WordPress engine to build a website belonging to South Minahasa government, North Sulawesi. “Because it is open-source-based, it costs almost nothing,” said Wastuwibowo.
15 March 2009 at 09:41
klo begitu mari kita sama-sama bermimpi…
tapi dalam mimpi saja rasanya tidak mungkin… apalagi kenyataan?
butuh waktu berapa lama kita bermimpi?